We’re going through a 5-step “dating process” to find you the perfect putting partner.
Last week we talked about matching the Putter balance to your putting stroke.
If you missed it, then
Would you believe we think appearance is probably next on the list of checks?
There are so many different putter designs. The popular Spider Tour with Sightline
(shown above) is available in different
colours and offers a huge sweet spot and high MOI for consistency of distance and accuracy.
The question you have to answer is are you comfortable with the appearance.
The TP Collection Soto Putter is more of a blade. It’s a classic and clean design, unobtrusive,
and looks easy to handle. But remember step one in this process. Does the ‘balance’ fit your stroke?
After checking if the ‘balance’ matches your stroke; and if you look down at a Putter at address and feel confident;
then you are over halfway to finding the perfect partner. Even if it doesn’t ‘fit’ perfectly at this point,
we’re betting you’ll notice an improvement in performance on the green. And that breeds more confidence.
Find the right partner.